Another adventure waiting

This was very busy week at work. Busy, but also very productive. It is Friday night 8:30 pm, and I will probably hit my bed soon. Because I want to be fresh and rested for tomorrow night.

Tomorrow John and I are going for the swingers’ night at the club. I have never done this and I am still not sure if swinging is for me. Of course, there is no pressure, I can go and just observe again, chat with people and not participate. Although I remember how that ended last time….

My first trip to the dungeon had brought new perspective for me. Now I know that I am open to explorations not just in my head, that I want and am capable of experiencing it in real life, not just in fantasy. I also know that there are not many things in sex, that I do not wish to try at least once.

Now I am curious about tomorrow. To the new adventure 🙂

Author: Jo

Life starts after divorce … Past the fifty years mark woman, two teenagers, busy work. And a new life of sexual explorations and adventures: BDSM, kink, swinging and more. Staring my life from the beginning. Finally free...

One thought on “Another adventure waiting”

  1. I am actually excited in anticipation to read more, even though I know this was 18 months ago for you. The idea of visiting a dungeon is such an enticing one and I especially liked the last line.


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